Cue Energy Resources Limited Annual Report 2023

Cue Energy Resources Limited Notes to the financial statements 30 June 2023 Note 4. Financial reporting by segments (continued) 12 Australia New Zealand Indonesia Corporate Total Maari Mahato Sampang Consolidated - 2022 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 Revenue Revenue from operations 8,208 9,169 14,915 12,147 - 44,439 Total revenue 8,208 9,169 14,915 12,147 - 44,439 EBITDAX 4,594 5,987 12,579 8,305 (1,976) 29,489 Depreciation and amortisation (1,590) (1,371) (1,232) (1,236) (71) (5,500) Business development expenses (654) - - - (119) (773) Finance costs (77) 266 - 81 (11) 259 Share-based payments - - - (9) (179) (188) Exploration and evaluation expenses (1,469) - - - (62) (1,531) Profit/(loss) before income tax expense 804 4,882 11,347 7,141 (2,418) 21,756 Income tax expense (5,688) Profit after income tax expense 16,068 Consolidated 2023 2022 Non-current assets by geographic segment $'000 $'000 Australia 33,654 33,169 Indonesia 24,058 20,447 New Zealand 15,590 13,048 73,302 66,664 Major customers The Group has a number of customers to whom it provides oil products, of which 63% (FY 2022: 58%) of revenue is supplied to one customer and 32% (FY 2022: 36%) another. The Group supplies gas to a number of external customers, one of which generates 51% (FY 2022: 63%) of revenue and 13% (FY 2022: 13%) another. Note 5. Revenue from operations Consolidated 2023 2022 $'000 $'000 Crude oil and condensate revenue 29,580 25,716 Natural gas revenue 22,025 18,723 51,605 44,439 58 Cue Energy Resources Limited Annual Report 2023