Cue Energy Resources Limited Notes to the financial statements 30 June 2023 Note 4. Financial reporting by segments (continued) 12 Australia New Zealand Indonesia Corporate Total Maari Mahato Sampang Consolidated - 2022 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 Revenue Revenue from operations 8,208 9,169 14,915 12,147 - 44,439 Total revenue 8,208 9,169 14,915 12,147 - 44,439 EBITDAX 4,594 5,987 12,579 8,305 (1,976) 29,489 Depreciation and amortisation (1,590) (1,371) (1,232) (1,236) (71) (5,500) Business development expenses (654) - - - (119) (773) Finance costs (77) 266 - 81 (11) 259 Share-based payments - - - (9) (179) (188) Exploration and evaluation expenses (1,469) - - - (62) (1,531) Profit/(loss) before income tax expense 804 4,882 11,347 7,141 (2,418) 21,756 Income tax expense (5,688) Profit after income tax expense 16,068 Consolidated 2023 2022 Non-current assets by geographic segment $'000 $'000 Australia 33,654 33,169 Indonesia 24,058 20,447 New Zealand 15,590 13,048 73,302 66,664 Major customers The Group has a number of customers to whom it provides oil products, of which 63% (FY 2022: 58%) of revenue is supplied to one customer and 32% (FY 2022: 36%) another. The Group supplies gas to a number of external customers, one of which generates 51% (FY 2022: 63%) of revenue and 13% (FY 2022: 13%) another. Note 5. Revenue from operations Consolidated 2023 2022 $'000 $'000 Crude oil and condensate revenue 29,580 25,716 Natural gas revenue 22,025 18,723 51,605 44,439 58 Cue Energy Resources Limited Annual Report 2023